What specialized business services are available?
On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Businesses can lower their training costs for newly-hired employees through participation in Valley On-the-Job Training (OJT) wage subsidies. To learn about Valley OJT opportunities for your business, contact us.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) also facilitates internships to assist businesses in developing better trained workers and lowering training costs. Eligible WIOA career seekers may receive up to 300 hours of work experience at no cost to the business. To learn more about developing an internship program in your business, contact us.
Incumbent Worker Training
The incumbent worker training program is designed to enhance the skills of currently employed workers to avoid layoffs and increase employee job success. Eligible businesses must be:
- Private for profit or non-profit businesses
- Operating in Virginia in the twelve-month period prior to application
- Current on all Virginia tax obligations
- Proposing employee training in a Virginia facility
- Must provide a 50% matching contribution, which may be in-kind services
Registered Apprenticeship
Registered Apprenticeship is a national system of industry-driven on-the-job training delivered through partnerships with private industry. With a network of over 150,000 businesses in more than 1,000 occupations, Registered Apprenticeship has trained millions of apprentices for over 75 years. Registered Apprenticeship is an “earn and learn” training model that combines work-based learning with related classroom instruction using the highest industry standards. When you establish a Registered Apprenticeship program, you develop a world-class workforce and enhance your company’s bottom line. You can create a Registered Apprenticeship program for your business.