This page is for current and prospective training providers with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program. Eligible Training Providers are approved training providers for individual participants enrolled in the WIOA program. Eligible Training Providers provide participants with the skills and tools they need to gain employment in the career field of their choice.



DATE: May 13, 2016

The new Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires the state to develop and maintain a list of all Eligible Training Providers (ETP). This list will be made available for customer review and their use in making informed choices regarding training. The state has implemented this through the Virginia Board of Workforce Development Policy Number 404-01 and 404-02. As a part of this policy two universal application forms were developed, Training Provider Application and Program Application, for use throughout Virginia in order to ensure every workforce development board collects and reviews the same information. These application forms are available for download at the links below.

The Shenandoah Valley Workforce Development Board (SVWDB) has the responsibility for receiving, reviewing and approving training providers and their programs in its service area. The SVWDB is accepting applications from training providers who wish to be included in the state ETP list. The application must be completed and submitted by all potential training providers, including those who are presently approved by the SVWDB. If you have questions, you may contact Debbie Berry at (540) 442-7134, ext. 101 or

Applications may be submitted at any time, with additions to the list subject to SVWDB review and Board approval. Please submit your completed Training Provider and Program applications to:

Email to:

Monica Long

Your applications will be considered by the Board and, if approved, included on the state ETP list. Please note that if your entity is certified as a training provider, you will be required to provide course statistics when requesting annual re-certification. All participants who are trained using WIOA funding must meet the requirements of and be actively enrolled in a WIOA program. Inclusion on the state ETP list does not ensure you will receive WIOA training funds.

Sharon Johnson
Chief Executive Officer

Note: A separate application form must be completed for each training program or occupational skills course of study.

Attachment A Part 1 and Part 2 are fillable forms. Some browsers do not support fillable forms. To access these documents as fillable forms, use Google Chrome to access or download and open/save as a pdf or open in Adobe Acrobat.

Downloads & Links

Click the links below to view eligibility requirements and applications. Download the applications to fill them out to mail them as instructed above. 

Click below to search for approved providers throughout the state.

Didn’t Find Your Answer?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you find the answers to your questions!